Am 2020-12-11 um 17:36 schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 11/12/2020 16:24, Michael Osipov wrote:
Am 2020-12-10 um 15:07 schrieb
You won't going to continue the APRLifecycleListener, will you?

There will almost certainly need to be something like it. I had imagined
it would get a new name but hadn't given much though to what that name
should be.

Please consider to deprecate it too, for the sake of consistency.


We need to be careful when we use other organisation's trademarks in our
product names. Some like:

Apache Tomcat Bridge to OpenSSL

Agreed, don't abuse trademarks.

would be fine. The other option is to give it an entirely new name.

Apache Tomcat Phoenix

Even if it rises from the ashes, this name, hypothetically, wouldn't be a bit better than before because it says nothing about it's purpose.

for example. (I haven't done any checks on that name. It may be

We should discuss this after the planning of 1.3.x.


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