The proposed Apache Tomcat 10.0.1 release is now available for

Apache Tomcat 10.x implements Jakarta EE 9 and, as such, the primary
package for all the specification APIs has changed from javax.* to jakarta.*
Applications that run on Tomcat 9 will not run on Tomcat 10 without changes.

The notable changes compared to 10.0.1 are:

- Add support for using Unix domain sockets for NIO when running on
  Java 16 or later.

- Add a new StringInterpreter interface that allows applications to
  provide customised string attribute value to type conversion within
  JSPs. This allows applications to provide a conversion
  implementation that is optimised for the application.

- Add peerAddress to coyote request, which contains the IP address of
  the direct connection peer. If a reverse proxy sits in front of
  Tomcat and the protocol used is AJP or HTTP in combination with the
  RemoteIp(Valve|Filter), the peer address might differ from the
  remoteAddress. The latter then contains the address of the client in
  front of the reverse proxy, not the address of the proxy itself.

Along with lots of other bug fixes and improvements.

For full details, see the changelog:

It can be obtained from:
The Maven staging repo is:
The tag is:

The proposed 10.0.1 release is:
[ ] Broken - do not release
[ ] Beta   - go ahead and release as 10.0.1 (beta)
[ ] Stable - go ahead and release as 10.0.1 (stable)

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