On 10/02/2021 17:13, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Mark,
> On 2/9/21 16:12, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> The hard part
>> here is the identification of the webapp as a Java EE app. The only
>> reliable way to do this is class scanning and that is slow.
> Why not look at the system id or namespace of WEB-INF/web.xml? Anyone
> using the legacy Java EE will be using web-app with a low version and a
> namespace like http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee instead of
> https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee.

Because Jakarta EE compliant apps can still use Java EE schemas. Use of
an old schema is not a guarantee of which API is being used.

>> A final point, which probably should have been first, is is there a
>> demand for this feature? Early indications from the users list and $work
>> is that there is (going to be) a demand for this feature.
> Being able to drop your old, crufty web application onto Tomcat 10 (or
> 11?) will be an absolutely killer feature.
> How many times have we had someone email the users list asking for help
> upgrading their Tomcat from 4.1 -> 9.0 and something breaks and "the
> original developer is gone; I don't know Java; I've been told this is
> high-priority and just need it done by Friday"?


> A feature like this can really help those situations.
> One possible response to this would be "don't abandon your software; get
> your vendor to re-package the application for you" or something similar.
> But some applications, while "old" don't necessarily require conversion
> because they work /just fine/.
> If this feature existed today, I would *immediately* test my own
> application on it to see if it worked (and possibly consider a migration
> to Tomcat 10 in the near-term instead of dreading it). I currently have
> zero interest in downloading the conversion tool, building it, figuring
> out how to invoke it and then install the converted WAR file into a new
> version of Tomcat. It wouldn't surprise me if there are a LOT of people
> out there feeling the same way.

Ack. I wouldn't be surprised either.

Don't forget there will always be the Tomcat 9.x version which tracks
that latest Tomcat codebase but retains the Java EE 8 API. That provides
a support route that doesn't require conversion.


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