Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Looking into bug 37072 has identified a conflict in the spec.
>> Consider the following sequence of calls:
>> response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
>> response.getWriter();
>> response.reset();
>> After this the writer encoding and response encoding do not agree and
>> can not be reconciled:
>> - the Writer is using UTF-8 because the reset only clears the buffer,
>> it doesn't reset the writer's encoding
>> - response.getCharacterEncoding returns ISO-8859-1 due to the reset
>> - response.setCharacterEncoding has no effect since the getWriter()
>> call sets the usingWriter flag that prevents changes to the character
>> encoding.
>> The spec is clear that:
>> - reset() clear all the headers
> This means there's no way to send the char encoding, so this means it is
> reset as well.
>> - calls setCharacterEncoding() have no effect after getWriter()
>> What isn't clear is should the call to reset() also clear the writer
>> (assuming of course that the response isn't committed)? Along the same
>> lines is getWriter(), reset(), getStream() be legal?
>> I am minded to clear the writer, buffer, stream and associated flags
>> on reset().
> It's not up to us (IMO) to start dealing with possible contradictions in
> the specification, esp when there's no use case for the situation, and
> the reports should be invalid. At least, unless you enjoy it, in which
> case it would be ok :)

I think it is up to us to raise such contradictions with the expert
group for clarification. Aren't you on the expert group or am I

The obvious use case is error pages.

Given I do enjoy fixing bugs - why else would I do it ;) - am I
correct in taking your comment to mean you are not against such a
change to the reset() method?


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