--- Comment #16 from Mark Thomas <> ---
I haven't been able to recreate this issue locally. Also, the debug logs didn't
have much information on writes - which is where the problem appears to be.

Therefore, I think it is time to move to the custom Tomcat build.

The source code for the first build (and any future builds) can be found at:

The binaries can be found at:

Please can you retest with v9.0.51-bz-65448-v1 and post the resulting logs. The
new logs are INFO level logs. Please aim to retain these log messages in their
entirety. The timestamps, thread names and messages are equally important.

v1 adds INFO level logging at the point where plaintext data is encrypted and
written to the network. Depending on what the logs look like, v2 will add
additional logging either further up or lower down the call stack to track down
the root cause.

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