вт, 7 дек. 2021 г. в 16:22, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>:
> Hi all,
> I've been investigating some recent build failures and it appears that
> some builds are failing because Linux is closing tasks because of memory
> pressure.
> My proposed solution is based on the following facts / observations:
> - The test node we are using has 4 cores and 16GB of RAM
> - The unit tests are currently configured to run with 6 threads
> - The test node is currently configured to run two tests concurrently
> - In local testing test thread count == core count gave the best
>    performance
> - In local testing increasing / decreasing test threads by 10% had a
>    marginal impact on test duration
> My proposed solution is therefore:
> - reduce test thread count from 6 to 4
> - investigate whether we can reduce the concurrent tests from 2 to 1

I wonder if there is some consistency about when that happens.
(What tests are being executed, or at least time from launch.)

I mean if there are tests that require a noticeable amount of memory.

I have encountered such a test once,

IIRC, a fix reduced memory requirements for that test from 256Mb down
to 144Mb (128 + 16) of byte arrays.

Though in such a case I would expect an OutOfMemoryError in java. I
think Linux OOM killer can be active for outside reasons that are out
of our control.

Also it looks like several builds run in parallel.

Tomcat 10.1.x
Worker bb2_worker2_ubuntu.
A build started at 03:28 PM (visible if I hover mouse over "started
at" time for build 113) and was running for an hour and 8 minutes
(visible if I hover over build number).

Tomcat 10.0.x
Worker bb2_worker2_ubuntu
A build started at 03:46 PM and is currently running (for more than an hour).

Tomcat 9
Worker bb2_worker2_ubuntu
A build started at 04:37 PM and is currently running.

Even though they did not start at the same time, it looks like they
overlap. I saw both 10.0.x and 9 being tested at the same time.
(10.0.x has finished a few seconds ago).

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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