Triggered by Chris's cipher disable question I ran some tests with OpenSSL 3.0. Currently only for TC 8.5, more follows.

1) Errors for unit tests which call TesterSupport.configureClientCertContext() with Java 7

The following tests fail when running with Java 7:


I think the following happens:

- they call TesterSupport.configureClientCertContext()

- there we call for non-Java 8:


- OpenSSL 3.0 supports in theory TLSv1, but by default
  it does not support SHA (SHA1). The Java 7 client is configured
  by TesterSupport to use TLSv1.2, but only has ciphers using SHA1.
  Thus the handshake fails.

I can reproduce with the openssl binary "s_server". As soon as I add "@SECLEVEL=0" to the end of the server-side cipher list (which reenables SHA), the handshakes work again. So I think this is "fails as expected" and is not worth fixing in the unit tests. Combining Java 7 and OpenSSL 3.0 is probably an exotic test situation.

2) Sporadic errors with Java 11 in TestSSLHostConfigCompat

Especially tests testHostRSAandECwithRSAClient and testHostRSAwithRSAandECClient.

They fail when the client choses a DH-Key which is shorter in length than most of the time. I think it is the same type of failure I have seen last autumn when I did httpd release testing with OpenSSL 3.0 in the sever and 0.9.8 in the client. 3.0 has a padding check that fails, when the length is short.

3.0 head code has a fix for it, but an additionally needed patch for adding back the check for TLS 1.3 (where it is required) was backported to a wrong branch. I informed the OpenSSL project and I am confident that this failure will be gone in 3.0.2.

I did not observe this failure with Java 8 or 17, but since it is sporadic, it could still happen there.

I will run the test with TC 9, 10 and 10.1 and will see, whether the results are the same or vary.

Best regards,


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