The following votes were case:

+1: markt, remm, isapir

No other votes were cast. The vote therefore passes.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


On 09/03/2022 13:59, Mark Thomas wrote:
The proposed Apache Tomcat 10.1.0-M12 release is now available for

Applications that run on Tomcat 9 and earlier will not run on Tomcat 10 without changes. Java EE applications designed for Tomcat 9 and earlier may be placed in the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps-javaee directory and Tomcat will automatically convert them to Jakarta EE and copy them to the webapps directory.

The notable changes compared to 10.1.0-M11 are:

- Fix a potential thread-safety issue that could cause HTTP/1.1 request
   processing to pause, and potentially timeout, waiting for additional
   data when the full request has been received.

- Fix a regression introduced with 65757 bugfix which better identified
   non request threads but which introduced a similar problem when user
   code was doing sequential operations in a single thread.

- When resolving methods in EL expressions that use beans and/or static
   fields, ensure that any custom type conversion is considered when
   identifying the method to call.

For full details, see the changelog:

It can be obtained from:

The Maven staging repo is:

The tag is:

The proposed 10.1.0-M12 release is:
[ ] Broken - do not release
[ ] Alpha - go ahead and release as 10.1.0-M12 (alpha)

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