Remy Maucherat wrote:
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
oh, and can we have the JULI with support for commons-logging built as part of the standard build?
if, yes, then I will be happy to do it

IMO, no. I'd like to keep a no dependencies, no nonsense build :) I don't see any need to use log4j for Tomcat logging anyway, unless you like running into problems.
it's more about being able to publish all our packages consistently.
For example, Geronimo, needs to be able to have a unified logging system, and they do, commons logging. And right now, since those packages are not part of an official release, I can't publish that JAR unless I do it manually. I'd like to be able to publish the actual JAR out of the release.

That doesn't mean that the JAR has to be in the lib directory, all I'm asking is that it is generated during our releases



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