Remy Maucherat wrote:
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
you're of course right, I think I simply need to get rid of the thread local cache, and use the processor cache instead. do you have any idea of the performance penalty? I'd probably use a ConcurrentLinkedQueue or something instead of synchronized{processorCache}

There's a penalty already for using an executor (unfortunately). So there could be a check: if using an executor, then use a processor pool of some sort (a dumb synced stack could do it, but I don't know if it would be better or worse speed wise - maybe about the same since there's no read at all, only modifications of the "collection"), otherwise use the thread local. Maybe there could be a better solution, but it's probably the easy one.

I didn't think about this leak issue when I thought about supporting executors.
me neither, but then again, the thread local is not the real problem. its the requestinfo and requestgroupinfo objects, has the funky circular dependency, and ties it back all the way to the "handler". Had it not been for those, then there would have been no leak, since the objects would have been collected when the thread died, and the thread local reference disappeared.



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