
On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 9:58 AM Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Igal,
> On 5/10/23 12:12, Igal Sapir wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> > On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 8:13 AM Christopher Schultz <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Igal,
> >>
> >> On 5/10/23 08:48, Igal Sapir wrote:
> >>> Mark,
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 12:43 AM Mark Thomas <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 09/05/2023 23:28, Igal Sapir wrote:
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> <snip/>
> >>>>
> >>>>>> The proposed 8.5.89 release is:
> >>>>>> [ ] Broken - do not release
> >>>>>> [ ] Stable - go ahead and release as 8.5.88 (stable)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> I get FAILED test for org.apache.catalina.mapper.TestMapperWebapps
> >>>>>
> >>>>> FWIW I got that error before so I don't think that it should hold
> back
> >>>> the
> >>>>> release.  I would just feel much better if I could understand how it
> is
> >>>>> possible for "System cannot be resolved"?  I tried it with Java 17
> and
> >>>> Java
> >>>>> 8.
> >>>>
> >>>> That is a known issue with the Eclipse compiler and Java 17. Are you
> >>>> sure it also fails with Java 8 with "ant clean test"?
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Thank you for looking into this, but with the upcoming sunset of Tomcat
> >> 8.5
> >>> I think that it's fine to ignore this issue as it seems like it's
> >> something
> >>> specific to my setup.  If you're still interested in more details
> >> though, I
> >>> am including them below.
> >>>
> >>> Yes, I am running "ant clean test", but I should have been more clear
> and
> >>> specified that with Java 8 I get another error:
> >>>
> >>> === Java 8 error begin ===
> >>> Testsuite: org.apache.catalina.filters.TestMapperWebapps
> >>> Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec
> >>>
> >>> Testcase: null took 0.001 sec
> >>>           Caused an ERROR
> >>> Forked Java VM exited abnormally. Please note the time in the report
> does
> >>> not reflect the time until the VM exit.
> >>> junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Forked Java VM exited abnormally.
> >>> Please note the time in the report does not reflect the time until the
> VM
> >>> exit.
> >>>           at
> >>>
> >>> === Java version ===
> >>> ❯ java -version
> >>> openjdk version "1.8.0_322"
> >>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build
> >>> 1.8.0_322-b06)
> >>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu (build 25.322-b06,
> >>> mixed mode)
> >>>
> >>> === Java home ===
> >>> ❯ echo $JAVA_HOME
> >>> /opt/java/zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64
> >>>
> >>> === Ant properties ===
> >>> ❯ ant echoproperties | grep java
> >>> [echoproperties] ant.core.lib=/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant.jar
> >>> [echoproperties] ant.home=/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> [echoproperties] ant.library.dir=/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >> java.7.home=/opt/java/zulu7.40.0.15-ca-jdk7.0.272-linux_x64
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties] java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
> >>> [echoproperties] java.awt.printerjob=sun.print.PSPrinterJob
> >>> [echoproperties] java.class.path=/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-launcher.jar\:/opt/java
> >>>
> >>
> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-imageio.jar\:/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/an
> >>>
> >>
> t-jai.jar\:/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-xalan2.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-junit.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-oro.jar\:/
> >>> opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-launcher.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-commons-net.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-regexp.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-testutil.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-antlr.jar\:/opt/java/apache-ant-
> >>>
> 1.10.8/lib/ant.jar\:/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-xz.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-swing.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-junit4.jar\:/opt/ja
> >>> va/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-netrexx.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-log4j.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar\:/opt/java/apache-a
> >>> nt-1.10.8/lib/ant-jsch.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-jdepend.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-junitlauncher.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/an
> >>> t-javamail.jar\:/opt/java/apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-jmf.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /apache-ant-1.10.8/lib/ant-apache-bcel.
> >>> jar\:/opt/java/zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/lib/tools.jar
> >>> [echoproperties] java.class.version=52.0
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>>
> >>
> java.endorsed.dirs=/opt/java/zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/endorsed
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties] java.ext.dirs=/opt/java
> >>>
> >>
> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/ext\:/usr/java/packages/lib/ext
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >> java.home=/opt/java/zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>>
> >>
> java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64\:/usr/lib64\:/lib64\:/lib\:/usr/lib
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> [echoproperties] Runtime Environment
> >>> [echoproperties] java.runtime.version=1.8.0_322-b06
> >>> [echoproperties] Platform API
> Specification
> >>> [echoproperties] java.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation
> >>> [echoproperties] java.specification.version=1.8
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vendor=Azul Systems, Inc.
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vendor.url=http\://
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vendor.url.bug=http\://
> >>> [echoproperties] java.version=1.8.0_322
> >>> [echoproperties] mode
> >>> [echoproperties] 64-Bit Server VM
> >>> [echoproperties] Virtual Machine
> >>> Specification
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vm.specification.version=1.8
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vm.vendor=Azul Systems, Inc.
> >>> [echoproperties] java.vm.version=25.322-b06
> >>> [echoproperties] javadoc.failonerror=true
> >>> [echoproperties] javadoc.failonwarning=false
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> [echoproperties] opens.javaio=--add-opens\=java.base/
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >> opens.javalang=--add-opens\=java.base/java.lang\=ALL-UNNAMED
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >> opens.javautil=--add-opens\=java.base/java.util\=ALL-UNNAMED
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>>
> >>
> opens.javautilconcurrent=--add-opens\=java.base/java.util.concurrent\=ALL-UNNAMED
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> opens.sunrmi=--add-opens\=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport\=ALL-UNNAMED
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties] sun.boot.class.path=/opt/java
> >>> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/resources.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/rt
> >>> .jar\:/opt/java
> >>>
> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/jsse.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /zulu8.60.0.2
> >>> 1-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/jce.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/charsets.jar\:/opt/java
> >>> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/l
> >>> ib/jfr.jar\:/opt/java
> >>>
> >>
> /zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/cat.jar\:/opt/java/zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/classes
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>>
> >>
> sun.boot.library.path=/opt/java/zulu8.60.0.21-ca-jdk8.0.322-linux_x64/jre/lib/amd64
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >> -cp
> >>>    echoproperties
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>>
> >>
> test.formatter=-Dorg.apache.juli.formatter\=java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
> >>>
> >>> [echoproperties]
> >>\=file\:/dev/./urandom
> >>> [echoproperties]**/Test*.java
> >>
> >> Failing / unreliable disk?
> >>
> >
> > No known issues with the disk - where did you see "unreliable disk"?
> I didn't, but "can't load java.lang.System" seems like a pretty core
> failure. SIGSEGV when building the Linux kernel used to be a good
> indication that your memory chips or motherboard were failing. I was
> wondering if this was something like that.

To clarify, the "can't load java.lang.System" error is with Java 17 which
is incompatible with Tomcat 8.5 and is a known issue with the JDT compiler
on Java 17 per Mark.

The error that I see on Java 8 is:

Testsuite: org.apache.catalina.filters.TestMapperWebapps
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec
Testcase: null took 0.001 sec
          Caused an ERROR
Forked Java VM exited abnormally. Please note the time in the report does
not reflect the time until the VM exit.
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Forked Java VM exited abnormally.
Please note the time in the report does not reflect the time until the VM

> >> This is certainly a weird error. And it only happens during Tomcat unit
> >> tests?
> >>
> >
> > Not all tests - only that single unit test fails:
> > org.apache.catalina.mapper.TestMapperWebapps
> So weird.
> > Dimitris (also on this thread) confirms that it happens on his Fedora
> > machine as well.  I'm running on Ubuntu.
> So weird.
> > IIRC Java 11 produced the same error as Java 8 but I can run that again
> if
> > needed, or provide any other required information.
> It fails every time?

Yes, that test fails consistently for me.


> -chris
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