Hi Mark,
>> 1) why do some folders list older versions while others do not?
> Probably because they are the latest stable version for that platform.

>> 2) why do we have a history of the last 3 versions with Win32 but no
>> history for any other platform?
> Because the old version weren't cleaned out. They should have been.

>> 3) where do the older versions go?
> They are automatically copied to archive.apache.org which is linked
> off the Tomcat homepage.
I found though that the README.html files which are commonly used to provide 
further informations about the releases are not copied.

>> I probably missed that there's somewhere an archive from where older
>> versions can be downloaded...
> This is not correct. It is available along with all other versions in
> the archive.
that was what I missed - thanks!

>> Then I would like to have at least the last three versions always up, +
>> the last version we have for any platforms where we cant build self, or
>> where the maintainer is currently busy and some versions behind.
> -1.
> dist (and the mirrors) should only have the current stable version and
>  the latest non-stable release if there has been once since the last
> stable release.
so does this mean if we dont have a binary from current version the directory 
should remain empty?
Or should there then remain the last version we have as you wrote in 1) ?

If they should remain empty then I would find it useful to have a README in 
which points to the related archive, and I volunteer to create these if there's 
agreement. There are probably a lot of users who just link to the dist 
directory of their platform, and would find a poiter to the archives useful.

Then I found on the main docu page:
that there are direct links to the previous source versions, but all end up in 
should we change these to point to the archive now?


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