Rainer Jung wrote:
Before I answer, let me first ask a question: What's wrong withg my suggestion? Or even better: use the encoding done with mod_proxy_ajp?

Because it doesn't solve the real problem.

Original URI:


JkMount /myapp/*

Apache httpd will correctly decode the URI to


mod_jk does map it *correctly* to /myapp and forwards it to Tomcat.

It does not IMO, and that's what I'm talking.
Inside mod_jk we should decode
/myapp/%2e%2e/otherapp/danger to

No, If the original URI was /myapp/%252e%252e/otherapp/danger, then it is not correct to end up with /otherapp/danger as a decoded URL.

Yes, but it was already rewritten by apache to
If we send that to Tomcat because we mapped to /myapp/*
that it's a security breakage.

A percent sign is a valid character in a ressource path. If one wants to use it in ressource paths, one needs to encode it ('%25'), and it is not allowed to decode '%25XX' again after decoding to '%XX' once.

So %252e -> %2e and that's it, no further decoding. It is not a '.', because it is decoded already.

Why do you think, that


is equivalent to

/myapp/../otherapp/danger ?

Because it is on the Tomcat side and it ends up
as /otherapp/danger.

Now, your suggestion would send an faulty uri for
something that shouldn't be passed by the mod_jk at
the first place, because *we know* how the uri will
be decoded on Tomcat.


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