On 6/15/07, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

correction, should read
I can implement inputstream.read() to return 0 on both blocking and non
blocking *Comet events*, (since sockets are always non blocking)

Ok, my mistake - what I really meant to say is:  I am only interested in
Comet if it
behaves similar with non-blocking sockets ( regardless of implementation ),
i.e. read(), write() called inside
a comet servlet will never block.

From the description so far it seems the sandbox version has this property
and the trunk has
an option to make it blocking ( or so I understood from your comments ).

I'm not familiar with the concept of 'non blocking *Comet events*' - never
heard of an event that
blocks or doesn't block before. If you mean that during a comet event read
will be blocking (
based on config or whatever else ) - I think this is a bad design.


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