Stacks are always special. It's usually unfeasible to push them into one line. My argument was about usual log messages. Of course in a fully fledged new formatter, one would wish things like configuring the depth of the stack printed.

Len Popp wrote:
On 7/31/07, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My personal opinion: java.util.logging very much lacks a good formatter.
The default 2 line formatting of messages, splitting timestamps and
message in separate lines, is not really useful in production. Many ad
hoc log analysis practices work on a line oriented basis.

How would exception stack traces be handled? That's an important
consideration because a stack trace is the first thing people ask for
when someone has a problem. :-)
I like the idea of one line per entry, but stack traces don't seem to
fit into that format. If you collapse a stack trace onto one line,
it's a lot harder to read. If you keep the multi-line format for stack
traces, you keep the same problem with log analysis practices that
work on a line oriented basis.

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