Bill Barker wrote:
"Filip Hanik - Dev Lists" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bill Barker wrote:
"Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

Test Case and 5.5.x patch can be found here.

This is what is happening

int result, 0, BUFFER_SIZE );
is called with a "while (true)" statement,

When the returns -1, the above statement returns cnt==1. So to avoid calling, we must check to see if we have more bytes to read by implementing the available() method, to avoid the inputstream ever returning -1.

It's possible, but I have a hard time understanding the issue.

The issue is that InputStreamReader reads 8192 bytes from IntermediateInputStream on the first go. It then translates them into 2734 chars, but thinks that the last few bytes represent an incomplete char, so holds onto them. On the next call, IntermediateInputStream returns -1, so InputStreamReader outputs the last char as best it can (resulting in returning 1). Then the IntermediateInputStream buffer is reset, and it can continue on reading (but from the wrong position, resulting in corruption).

Filip's patch is inelegant (better would be to use the ByteChunk sink), but other than my looking for a better way to do it, I can't come up with the required technical reason to porting the base of it to 5.5 (of course, I could care less what he does in his sandbox :).

I've committed the fix to 5.5, if you find a more elegant way of solving the actual problem, feel free to revert it and commit another fix. I don't care about the how, as long as there is a fix that will be included in the tag 5.5.25 on Friday

No problem. I can see how to do this better, but I'll wait until the weekend to commit (since it's not totally trivial, I don't want a one-day window for regression testing :). That way 5.5.25 can go out with your patch. It doesn't include the NIO dependancy (which was my only concern), so it works well enough for me for now.
according to the KISS principle, your fix would have to be less than 4 lines changed to be "more elegant" :)


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