Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Tim Funk wrote:
>> 2) If a deploy tool is used which is doing checks - adding an extra
>> check to allow/deny/restrict scope should not be too hard to do. Since
>> users can disable symlink checks in the same class (FileDirContext) -
>> the same exposure could be had with a little more effort.
>> I'm not trying to hand wave the concerns away with the previous 2
>> points. I've thought a while about how I can exploit this patch and
>> most examples relied on assumptions which if the assumption were true
>> - your system would have already been compromised.
> I tested with the security manager, and it doesn't behave correctly.
> If the context.xml inside a webapp is:
> <Context>
>   <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext"
>                docBase="c:/foo" aliases="/mysecretpath/=c:/" />
> </Context>
> The docBase hack attempt doesn't do anything (it's overwritten, I
> think), but the security manager does not prevent browsing the HD as the
> policy grants all permissions to all JARs in lib.

I don't see a problem with including the feature, but the current
implmentation needs some work to resolve this bypassing of the security

I haven't looked at the code so I don't know how easy it will be to fix.
If it looks like it will take some time, then I would prefer that the
patch was reverted until the new version was ready.


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