
On 10/19/07, Paul Shemansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I commit to working on it, and try to show some sort of
> proof-in-the-pudding, the issue returns to the problem I mentioned
> before which is hosting it.

I don't think that's a problem, and I don't think it has to be hosted
in the Tomcat repository, at least not initially.  You could host it
on your home page, on SourceForge / Google Code / any code repository,
on the Tomcat wiki, and in numerous other places.  You can send
periodic emails to the mailing list(s) saying "here's my cool
whizbang, it's free, please use it and let me know."  If others
express interest and start using it, great, we can talk again.  If
not, hopefully you still find it useful for yourself and you hadn't
wasted much time on it.

The point is, feature X  being integrated into Tomcat is not a
requirement for feature X to succeed, in my opinion.  So we're
spending much more time on these emails and discussions that we
should.  You think Maven would  be awesome for Tomcat?  Great, go
scratch your itch.  No need to spend a week building consensus.

> ready to start prototyping in my spare time.  Would you grant me
> access to commit the finished prototype if turns out to be good
> pudding?

Commit access is not my decision, it's made by all the project
committers together.  We typically look for a sustained contribution,
not a one-off enhancement or bug fix.  See
http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#meritocracy for
more about how the ASF works in this regard.

> Since you use it regularly, how do you personally feel about it?

Nice, but not amazing, and usually over-hyped.


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