On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 20:24 +0000, Mark Thomas wrote:
> All,
> The update to commons-pool-1.3 has caused a memory leak[1]. Further, [2]
> suggests it may cause reload issues in some circumstances.
> The release note [3] for commons-pool-1.3 does indicate a large number of
> bugs have been fixed compared to commons-pool-1.2. That said, I do not
> believe we upgraded to 1.3 to fix a specific Tomcat bug. Therefore, I
> propose we  revert to commons-pool-1.2 for the next release of each version.

I disagree with that plan. If someone needs to fix this specific issue,
they can easily configure a different version of the connection pool,
this avoids reintroducing unpecified issues to the pool.


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