Hello to all Tomcat project members,

JK 1.2.26 has been available for testing for some days as a svn
snapshot. Only one small bug has been found and fixed. So I would like
to proceed with the release vote.

If you want to take a look, the final source distribution can be
downloaded from:


The updated documentation can be found at


Binaries might be available under


Linux and Solaris binaries are there, feel free to provide further binaries.

So here's the vote. Because of the holidays, the vote will be closed on
Monday December 24, 11:00 a.m. GMT.

Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.26 is:

[ ] Stable - no major issues, no regressions
[ ] Beta - at least one significant issue -- tell us what it is
[ ] Alpha - multiple significant issues -- tell us what they are

Thank you and a Merry Christmas,


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