I'd like to embed Tomcat in an application for which there will be numerous instances running.

As such I have 2 basic problems:

  1. *catalina.base:* I really want to share /all/ configuration files,
     web-app context XMLs, etc -- using separate directories only for
     temp, work, and logs.  In an ideal world precompiled JSPs would be
     shared from one work directory (e.g. CATALINA_HOME/work) to the
     various instances and the instances would only write their own
compilations, sessions, etc, to their own separate directories. Is this possible? Can anyone give me pointers in the sources?
  2. *port negotiation:* I need to find an available port -- both for
     shutdown and for the AJP connector.  I tried using the JMX MBean
factory, etc, but got no signal when the port was already in use. Pointers to APIs to use that /will/ provide such signals
     (exceptions, return values, whatever) would be appreciated.

Overall I'd like to keep this close to an out-of-the-box usage of 6.0.16, except with port negotiation handled outside server.xml, of course -- and writable directories outside CATALINA_HOME.

Overall pointers (documentation?) would be appreciated.

Jess Holle

P.S. I've gotten this working by producing catalina.base directories containing way more of catalina.home's contents than I can see any reason for and pre-computing ports to use into each catalina.base, but this seems wrong overall. I'm looking for something better.

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