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The following page has been changed by markt:

  The Servlet Specification requires Servlet Containers like Tomcat to provide 
at least a rudimentary implementation of the {{{ServletContext#log}}} method. 
Tomcat provides a much richer implementation than required by the Spec, as 
-  * Prior to Tomcat 5.5, Tomcat provided a Logger element that you could 
configure and extend according to your needs. If you are using a Tomcat version 
previous to Tomcat 5.5, make sure to read the 
[ Logger 
configuration reference].
+  * Prior to Tomcat 5.5, Tomcat provided a Logger element that you could 
configure and extend according to your needs. If you are using a Tomcat version 
previous to Tomcat 5.5, make sure to read the 
[ Logger 
configuration reference].
   * Starting with Tomcat 5.5, Logger was removed and 
[ Jakarta Commons-Logging] {{{Log}}} 
is used everywhere in Tomcat. Read the Commons-Logging documentation if you'd 
like to know how to better use and configure Tomcat's internal logging. See 
also []
   * To enable request logging similar to the Apache HTTP server, you may 
include the following line in the server.xml file, in the <Engine> tag:
            <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"

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