On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 23:10 +0100, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > +****For the bayeux implementation*********
> > +* Copyright 2007-2008 Guy Molinari
> > +* Copyright 2007-2008 Filip Hanik
> > +* Copyright 2007 Dojo Foundation
> > +* Copyright 2007 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
> > 
> > Personally, I don't like that. As far as I am concerned, I like the code
> > in ASF repositories to be (c) ASF, as it's always been.
> That isn't the case. The collective work is (c) ASF but individual
> contributions are (c) to the committer / contributor that provided them. I
> may not have used exactly the right language to express this - the
> legal-dicuss list is the place to get a better answer.

Is this code also (c) ASF then, in addition to the people listed ? (= if
the code is copied, can it be only labelled (c) ASF ?)

If yes, then +1 for the code, otherwise -1 (please gives pointers to
where this is approved and in which projects it has been done).


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