It's been a while since I looked at it, but once the context is started, the only way to update mappings it to invoke an additional JMX call to get the mapping registered with the connector.
Take a look at

That's where I would start, but I think you'll have to do a bit reverse engineering here, since I can't remember the exact steps


Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
Here is the problem I want to solve.  I want to add servlet mappings to
Axis2ServiceServlet as the URLs come by.  For example, the first
servlet-mapping could be to http://localhost:8080/tuscany/service1.  At this
time, I create a new StandardContext with contextPath "/tuscany", add a
StandardWrapper with mapping "/service1" to the context and add the context
to the host.  Now when a second servlet-mapping to
http://localhost:8080/tuscany/service2 is to be added, I am locating the
context with context-path "/tuscany", and adding a StandardWrapper with
mapping "/service2".  As soon as context.addChild(wrapper) is called, the
wrapper is started.  But, the Mapper in the Connector is not updated with
the mapping info carried by the newly added wrapper object.  Because of
this, I am getting an error 404.  Is there a way to make the connector to
update the mapper when a new wrapper is added to the context?  I hope my
problem is clear.

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