
I'm a student in the university of Sofia and I'm willing to attend Google's
summer of code this year. The project I'm interested in is - *Improve the
JMX support within Apache Tomcat*. Is this project with high priority or
should I choose a more important one.

Now I have about 3 years experience with Java and year and a half
professional experience with J2EE(I've worked in Sap Labs Bulgaria in the
team responsible for the JMS implementation). During this time I've looked
at several mbeans and I'm familiar with the main idea of the JMX.

Currently I don't know what the state of the project is but as far as the
description of the task informs me the main goal is to enlist all attributes
in the JMX infrastructure document them and choose which of them should be
read only.

My proposal is something like - first get on board with the community, then
explore the current state of the JMX integration in the Tomcat(see best
practices to add attributes in the JMX), discuss which are the read only
properties and imlement them.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Martin Benkov

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