Geronimo's tomcat integration has up till recently used tomcat server components wrapped in geronimo gbean components, and server configuration through gbean configuration. This is less flexible and less convenient than server.xml configuration, and we've had several requests to provide configuration via server.xml. However, we need to typically use subclasses of the tomcat server classes. Unfortunately I have an unreasoning hatred of digester formed when I tried to debug what it was doing.

After a little bit of thought I came up with an alternative jaxb based system. There' s a schema I reverse engineered from digester rules, and a bunch of classes modified from ones jaxb generated from the schema. After generating the classes I added some "build" methods that go through the jaxb model tree and construct the tomcat components and wire them together. This seems to work fine and I find it easy to modify and debug and understand what it's doing.

In case anyone is interested in looking at this it's in our geronimo- tomcat6 module in the "model" package. The schema is under src/main/ xsd.

david jencks

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