Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
> On 12/09/2009 02:57 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
>>> I would like to suggest that context.xml files that are contained within
>>> directories or WAR files do not get copied to a sub directory under
>>> "conf" where it remains if the war file or directory is removed while
>>> the server is shutdown.
>>> Copying the file META-INF/context.xml has never made much sense to me on
>>> why that was necessary or logical, it seems as a WAR file is self
>>> contained, and should remain so.
>>> what ya say?
>> I'd be +1 for making the extraction of META-INF/context.xml optional
>> with a slight preference for the default behaviour to be consistent with
>> Tomcat 6.
> I thought even 6 has been inconsistent, copy in one version and don't
> copy in another?
> or did I misunderstand that?

6.0.x was inconsistent between WARs and directories. That was made
consistent in 6.0.19.

META-INF/context.xml in WAR files always extracts/copies
META-INF/context.xml in a directory doesn't copy <6.0.19, does copy
6.0.19 onwards


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