2010/1/13 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <devli...@hanik.com>:
> -1, I would propose this one to be
> writer.write(result);
> if (bufferSize < 0)
>    flush();
> Here is why
> 1. No synchronized(this) - not sure why we think its needed

Re: synchronized(this)

-                writer.write(result);
+                if (bufferSize > 0) {
+                    writer.write(result);
+                } else {
+                    synchronized (this) {
+                        // OutputStreamWriter performs buffering
inside its StreamEncoder,
+                        // and so to run without a buffer we have to
flush explicitly
+                        writer.write(result);
+                        writer.flush();
+                    }
+                }

synchronized (this) {} was added so that writer.write() was
immediately followed by writer.flush().

Both of them are internally synchronized(lock).

Omitting synchronized (this) will result in

I do not see much harm from that, so I'd agree to remove synchronized(this).

> 2. It allows a setting of bufferSize==0 -> use system default
> 3. bufferSize<0 do a flush of the writer

I doubt, that such feature is needed, though I'll be OK if anyone proposes it.
Should we use system default (internal buffer of OutputStreamWriter's Encoder),
or our default?

If you want, you can propose a patch that implements this feature and
updates /docs/logging.xml accordingly.

By the way:
with logs buffering enabled by default, as it is now, last log entries
are lost when Tomcat is stopped when Tomcat is run as a service (on
Windows, but I suppose jsvc on Unix has the same effect).

There is Mark's patch for that (r898468), but I have doubts
regarding Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Cleaner());
used there.

We could disable log buffering in 6.0.23, to be it the same as in
6.0.20 (were logs were not buffered):
a) by setting bufferSize=0 or -1 explicitly in the default
logging.properties file
b) by changing the default value in o.a.juli.FileHandler to disable buffering.

I am ok with any of a) and b).  Any thoughts?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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