On 03/17/2010 05:07 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> Thank you for all your votes and feedback.
> I am tallying the results below.
>>> 1. Commit-Then-Review for any documentation, including JavaDoc and code 
>>> comments.
>> Already decided. No need to vote.
>> 2. Allow C-T-R for changes to svn properties:
> +1: Konstantin, Tim
> Mark: +1 for line endings, +0 for the rest
> 0: Rainer, Filip, Yoav
> -1: Mladen, Bill: because the proposal is too wide ("it can mean
> anything and nothing", and
>  because for some of those changes "one needs a good reason")
> RESULT: Does not pass
>> 3. Allow C-T-R for any whitespace changes:
>> These are generally discouraged, but might be necessary to ease
>> backporting of patches.
> +1: Konstantin, Mladen, Rainer, Tim
> Mark: +1. Only if required to ease back-porting.
> -1: Filip: "makes tracing down when and how code changed a pain. It's
> not beneficial."
> 0: Yoav, Bill
> RESULT: Passes
>> 4. Allow C-T-R for trivial fixes to English messages that are in resource 
>> files
>> and those that are inline in the code. This includes typos and rephrasing,
>> but does not include adding/removing message parameters.
> +1: Konstantin, Mladen, Rainer, Yoav, Tim, Mark
> 0: Filip, Bill
> RESULT: Passes
>> 5. Allow C-T-R for any fixes for non-English resource files.
>> The files must use 7-bit characters only. Other symbols must be
>> escaped with \u, as does native2ascii.
> +1: Konstantin, Mladen, Rainer, Yoav, Tim, Mark (providing that
> native2ascii has been used), Bill
> 0: Filip
> RESULT: Passes
>> 6. Require some indication in the commit message for code that usually is
>> covered by RTC, that this commit was done using C-T-R rule.
> +1: Mladen, Rainer, Bill
> +0: Mark: Putting CTR at the start works for me.
> 0: Konstantin, Filip, Yoav, Tim
> RESULT: Passes
> I did not count the votes by Henri Gomez (probably +1 to 2.,3.,4.,5.)
> and by Jean-Frederic Clere (looks like -0 to all),




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