
I'm interested in the project idea on implementing JSR 196 specification for
Tomcat. I've used Tomcat for some time, but as I'm not very much familiar
with its internals or JSR 196 spec, I'm in the process of getting
familiarized with them at the moment.

While searching the dev mailing list archive regarding this idea, I found a
several months old mail thread [1] regarding a Jaspic implementation started
by David Jencks. Basically it says about rewriting web security with Realms
replaced with a Security valve, and a reply [2] in that thread says that JSR
196 implementation was not among the mandatory stuff at that time.  I also
saw that there was an effort to replace Valves with Filters as a GSoC
project last year, which interferes the above idea of replacing Realm with a
valve (this might not be a serious problem anyway).

Since above is a relatively old discussion, I'd really appreciate if someone
can clarify the current situation and also any viewpoints/comments regarding
this GSoC idea.

[1] http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-dev&m=124776544612776&w=2
[2] http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-dev&m=124776616614107&w=2

Thanks and Regards,

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