--- Comment #3 from Attila Király <> 2010-09-13 
02:17:40 EDT ---
I can add the following:
to fix the logging problem I recompiled the isapi redirector with the MS
mentioned code modification (adding pfc->pFilterContext = NULL;). The modified
dll is used in production for 2 months now. The logging problem is gone and the
system is stable. So the fix is good in practice.

"What I would expect to see instead is that some (or in the extreme case) all
the requests on the same connection are logged with the request uri of a
subsequent request (i.e. not the first, but perhaps the last)."
I see the logic behind this but what we experienced was the opposit of this.
Even when we made only a single request to a jsp that contained a js file and
the js pulled down a gif (so 3 requests overall) we saw 3 jsp entries in the
log. That was the problem because the log is analyzed and the gif plays a
special role in it. However the gif was never found. I think the reason for
this is that the redirect filter was only set to serve the jsp files (dynamic
content) but the js and gif (the static content) were served by the IIS itself.
So the filter did not update the uri and query info when the js and gif
requests were processed.

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