On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> The proposed 7.0.14 release is:
> [ ] Broken - do not release
> [ ] Alpha  - go ahead and release as 7.0.14 Alpha
> [ ] Beta   - go ahead and release as 7.0.14 Beta
> [X] Stable - go ahead and release as 7.0.14 Stable

Hi guys!

It works just fine for me.  I tested tar.gz binaries on Linux 64-bit, with a
32-bit Hotspot JVM.

Here's what I tested on Linux:
- deployments via the manager, and via manually copying wars & dirs
- ran several different webapps, both simple and complex
- HTTP and HTTPS BIO connectors
- JMX metrics: connector, context, and others
- Stopping, starting, and reloading contexts

Jason Brittain

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