On 14/07/2011 16:11, Pid wrote:
> On 14/07/2011 15:23, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> All,
>> Is there any interest in having a configuration option for WCL that
>> allows certain thread names to be ignored during webapp shutdown?
>> See http://markmail.org/message/vqeeyosbqxq3tim6 for a short discussion.
>> It appears that there may sometimes be a race condition where the webapp
>> can't force the termination of an app-started thread that *will*
>> eventually shut down. A minor change could alleviate printing a warning
>> message on redeploy that may worry admins.
>> I'm sure this would be useful to Terence, but I'm not sure if there's
>> wide applicability.
> Why does this help?  AFAICS he's not stopped the thread, he's just
> stopped the scheduler.  If he wants the thread to stop he'll have to hit
> .cancel() on the task.

Actually, that might not be true.  (Teach me to skim the docs).

The OP is really reporting that the timer.cancel() method doesn't block
& wait for all the running timer task threads to finish.

Interrupting a timer task thread might not be possible without jumping
through hoops; the OP reports that if the run method is empty, there's
no problem - but this would be expected because the run() cycle would be
short & therefore the timer task thread will win the race between
contextDestroyed completing & the thread finishing.

If the thread takes longer (the OP reports ~0.5s) then
contextDestroyed() wins and Tomcat reports threads down.

Quartz suffers from the same problem (or did last time I looked).


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