On 17/12/2011 21:12, David Jencks wrote:
> I'll try to keep it short because I really don't want to spend time
> re-beating this dead horse.
> The last time I looked a couple years ago the jars constructed out of
> the single source tree could not be compiled separately in any order.
> I was told this wasn't a problem, at which point I realized
> discussion was useless.

I just did a check with JarAnalyzer and we still have circular
dependency issues with catalina.jar, catalina-ha.jar and catalina-tribes.jar

I haven't looked in the archives for the previous discussion and I can't
remember what my views were then - probably completely opposite to now :).

I wouldn't class it as a problem (I am happy to live with this) but I'm
happy to take a look to see if there is an easy fix and apply the fix in
that case.

> Maven prevents problems like this through the project structure.  If
> this situation is not a problem to the tomcat community,  then the
> other possible benefits of using maven are not likely to be
> interesting either.

The dependencies we really care about are monitored via Checkstyle. If I
fix the above issue, I'll add some additional checks so we don't
recreate the issue.


> thanks david jencks
> On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 17/12/2011 20:24, Antonio Petrelli wrote:
>>> Ok, let's do it again :-D 1. Standardization. Maven strongly
>>> encourages to use a standardized structure. The source should go
>>> into src/main/java, the resources in src/main/resources etc. You
>>> can change it, but this is discouraged. With Ant you always do
>>> things differently for different projects.
>> What benefit is this to the Tomcat community? I see a change, but
>> no benefit.
>>> 2. Modularization. Separation between modules is strong, i.e. one
>>> jar-one source directory. In the case of Tomcat, there is a big
>>> big trouble: one single big source directory. Separating them
>>> will be one of the most important step to do.
>> Why is that an issue? Switching to a single source tree was one of
>> the best changes we ever made. It has been much easier to manage
>> than the multiple source trees we had in the past. The dependencies
>> are known and we have checks in place (via Checkstyle) to ensure
>> that unwanted dependencies are not added. Again, what is the
>> benefit here to the Tomcat community? There has been some interest
>> but very little activity towards greater modularity. If there was
>> more interest in increasing modularity then there might be a case
>> for this but given Tomcat's remit of implementing the Servlet and
>> JSP specs there is very little that could be made modular /
>> optional. Jasper and EL are already optional (well, they can be
>> removed) and pretty much everything else is required by the Servlet
>> spec.
>>> 3. Metadata-driven process. The build process is driven by
>>> metadata (where the source is? where should I deploy it?) and not
>>> by commands (compile the source that is in that point, deploy it
>>> in that repository)
>> Again, how does this benefit the Tomcat community?
>>> 4. POMs are (almost) universal. Projects of the same kind have
>>> almost the same content..
>> How does this benefit the Tomcat community?
>>> 5. Plug-ins do generically what pieces of Ant's script do
>>> specifically. For example take the Maven assembly plugin: via a
>>> descriptor you obtain a zip file to distribute.
>> That sounds like just a different way of doing things. What is the
>> benefit?
>>> 6. When all the metadata is in place, the release process is a
>>> matter of launching: mvn release:prepare and mvn release:perform
>> Right now the release process is: ant release followed by scp / ftp
>> / 'take your pick' the files to the right place and that could be
>> added to the script if we really wanted to (but no-one has felt the
>> need to scratch that itch).
>> In summary, I see a lot of differences but no benefits. Changing
>> to Maven would mean big changes along with some disruption. For
>> the community to make those changes and accept that disruption
>> there needs to be something in return. So far, I haven't seen
>> anything that I would class as a benefit to the community (e.g.
>> faster build process, simpler releases, fewer bugs, etc.).
>> Mark
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