we're group of three CS grad students taking a course in advanced
networking. As a course project, each of us has implemented a basic
websocket server in Java with functionality roughly equal to the current
state of Mark's patch. The next stage of the project is to continue in a
group and get the implementation as far as possible. Since building our own
standalone websocket server (that does just websocket) doesn't really make
sense, we'd like to join in the effort to make websocket available in

We've a few questions:
1) Is there an interest in our help?
2) What are the priority TODOs we should start considering?
3) Some examples (e.g. echo server) of how to use the current
implementation to write a servlet would be nice. It'd help us to get up to
speed more quickly.

Also, please note that although this is a course project sanctioned by the
professor, we're not really doing this as a course requirement but rather
out of our personal interest in contributing to open source. The scope of
the class project is 2-3 weeks but that of course doesn't mean we'll
abandon the code after that :)

Petr Praus

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