
On 3/31/12 4:34 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
> This morning I filed issues 53011 and 53012, about general improvements to
> the Ant task used for compiling JSPs. These two issues are rather important
> to our team, and are making using the compiler rather difficult. In the
> interest of both improving Tomcat and meeting our needs as quickly as
> possible, I am interested in possibly contributing code changes to effect
> these improvements, and possible others.


> I read the information at and
> related links, and understand that my first step is building Tomcat and my
> second is proposing patches to the other developers (presumably by
> attaching them to the issues I filed). If I'm missing anything so far,
> please let me know.

That sounds like a good start.

Remember that everything you do should be in Tomcat's 'trunk'. Here's
the svn root for that:

All patches should be against trunk (they'll get back-ported to 7.0.x
and possibly 6.0.x).

> What I'd really like is a little further guidance about this particular
> feature in Tomcat. Who is really familiar with it that I can ask questions
> of if I don't understand something I see?

Perhaps the best thing to do is look at the svn history for the files
involved. Start with org.apache.jasper.JspC and the related files like
Compiler, etc. to see who has updated them recently. Mostly, it's best
to ask questions on this list and let anyone answer them who can, rather
than trying to directly contact any one person.

> What do the developers on the list think about the ideas proposed in
> these two issues?
> Bug 53011 - Ant Jasper task fails after one error

+1 - seems reasonable. I've added some comments to the bug.

> Bug 53012 - Ant Jasper task does not name including file when
>             included file has compile error

+1 also seems reasonable. Check the current behavior of the trunk to
make sure this isn't already in there.

> I believe they
> make Tomcat better, but that's just because they meet our immediate needs.

That's host these projects grow: patches are always welcome. Basically
anything that doesn't a) violate the servlet specification or b)
significantly impact performance or c) require sweeping changes to the
code is fair game.


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