On 03/04/2012 09:56, Morten Jorgensen wrote:
> All,
> I recently implemented a Tomcat session manager that uses Cassandra for
> session storage. Cassandra is a commonly used session store for
> PHP-based applications, but I could not find one that would plug
> seamlessly into Tomcat. My Cassandra session manager is fully working
> and has gone through basic testing.

That's interesting.  Can you share some details about how it works?


> Now I want to donate my code to the Tomcat project - if you'll have it.
> I am unsure on how to proceed with this, so any direction will be very
> much appreciated. I did manage the donation of XSLTC from Sun
> Microsystems to the Xalan-J project at xml.apache.org way back when,
> but this was more than 10 years ago and my memory isn't great...
> Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this request.
> Best regards,
> Morten Jorgensen



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