This is issue e) in Konstantin's comments in TOMCAT-NEXT.txt

Copying Konstantin's notes:

     - Uniform URL space. Both files and directories can be represented,
     hiding details of aliases, resource jars, etc.

     - It hides implementation details.

     - Permissions can be expressed as JndiPermission. They do not
     depend on context version number.

     - Accessing a resource through such URL leverages the cache
     implemented in ProxyDirContext class. We do not access the file
     system directly, nor need to open a JAR file.

     - It can be created from a String if necessary.

     Such use relies on DirContextURLStreamHandler.bindThread(..) being
     called earlier in the same thread.

     - Some components would like to get "real" resource URL from this

     Maybe it can be exposed through some special header name,

     How such real URL can be prepared?


     - A resource lookup is performed twice. The first time in
     ServletContext.getResource() (implemented in
     ApplicationContext.getResource()) to return null for non-existing
     The second time in DirContextURLConnection.connect().

     It is good that there is a cache in ProxyDirContext that saves time
     for repeated lookups.

     - Using URLs involves encoding/decoding.

     If there were some other API to access resources in a web
     application,  I would prefer some opaque object that allows access
     to resource properties, but is converted to string/url form only
     on demand.

I think this boils down to "Is there a requirement for a scheme that
provides unified URLs?" While it does hide the details of where stuff is
from an application, if does so with a layer of indirection and that has
a performance cost. Note: Performance / caching is a separate issue and
I have already created a separate thread for that.

If this feature is required, it can be added by modifying / wrapping the
StandardRoot implementation. Currently, I think the only reason we might
need this is if we need caching for performance then we'll need a custom
URL scheme to ensure access via URLs goes through the cache. Therefore,
in my view, resolving this issue depends on determining if caching (in a
similar manner to the current implementation) is required.


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