On 30/01/2013 11:41, Jess Holle wrote:
> Is anyone else seeing regressions due to this change?
> They appear as NullPointerExceptions from java.io.Writer.write(String)
> where the writer in question is a JSPWriter.
> This was addressed long ago by the fix for
> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35410, but the
> revision reverts the fix as it is not specification compliant.
> On the flip side, how do we know the fix was not specification
> compliant?  Did a new TCK reject this behavior?  Or were other compliant
> implementations found not to have this behavior?  Or...?

A more careful reading of the specification document

The complete logic chain is:

>From JSP.9.4.3
<%= obj %> => out.print(obj)

>From JSP.1.8.3
out is a JspWriter

>From the JspWriter#print(Object) Javadoc
The string produced by the java.lang.String.valueOf(Object) method is
written to the JspWriter’s buffer or, if no buffer is used, directly to
the underlying writer.

>From the implementation of java.lang.String#valueOf(Object)
return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();

So, obj.toString() is written to the JspWriter's buffer or, if no buffer
is used, directly to the underlying writer.

Writing to the underlying writer or buffer uses write(String)

write(null) triggers the NPE.

> I'm now left trying to figure out what to do about this change -- push
> those which ran afoul of this to fix their code or patch the fix back
> into our Tomcat.

The choice is yours but the view of the Tomcat committers is that apps
that hit this issue are not specification compliant.


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