Bug ID: 54707
           Summary: Buggy Perl http clients cause tomcat digest auth to
                    fail due to quoted nc values (e.g. nc="00000001")
           Product: Tomcat 7
           Version: 7.0.37
          Hardware: PC
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Catalina
    Classification: Unclassified

This problem was discovered while trying to make the Perl LWP library work with
tomcat where a path was being protected with digest authentication. 

Ultimately, this is a bug with Perl (see, and it has been possibly
HOWEVER, this requires users to update their perl libraries etc (a big pain for
our customers and for us).

A simple fix to tomcat would solve this problem for us and make life good

A typical digest response header from perl looks like:

Authorization: Digest username="joe", realm="ACME", qop="auth",
algorithm="MD5", uri="/my/protected/path",
nonce="1363130363664:71e75a43d7fdbfff8c54bece373058b8", nc="00000001",
cnonce="513fb7fb", response="baeeff0b6b9b7e74e769630160d3725b",

The entry nc="00000001" causes tomcat to reject the request.  It should be
nc=00000001 (the perl client's mistake)

The following perl script demonstrates the problem:

use strict;
use LWP;

&doGet("myname", "mypassword", "myrealmname", "myhost", "8080",

sub doGet
    my ($username, $password, $realm, $host, $port, $uri) = @_;
    my $url = "http://".$host.":".$port.$uri;

    print "GET: $url\n";

    my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;

    $browser->agent('Debug Digest Problem');

    my $response=$browser->get($url);

    print "HTTP STATUS:".$response->status_line."\n";
    print $response->content;

The fix should be in

Looking at build 7.0.37 code:

Around line 147:
                case 3:
                    // FIELD_TYPE_LHEX
                    value = readLhex(input);

This switch is hit when the field is 'nc' (due to line 72 fieldTypes.put("nc",

The method readLhex() does not tolerant quotes. (see line 434 and below).

A similar tomcat issue was fixed a while back for the quoted qop field. (the
qop response field should also not be quoted, but tomcat handles this).

Also see line 375
     * This is not defined in any RFC. It is a special case to handle data from
     * buggy clients (known buggy clients include Microsoft IE 8 & 9, Apple
     * Safari for OSX and iOS) that add quotes to values that should be tokens.

Server software which tolerates this mistake in the perl client includes Apache
and Spring's security filter 

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