--- Comment #12 from Mark Thomas <> ---
I've been looking at the first issues raised - namely where the Servlet and JSP
schemas are located.

Currently, the schemas are split between [1] and [2].

This split creates the a problem that can easily been seen when viewing the
schemas in Eclipse. A number of these schemas include entries along the lines
<xsd:include schemaLocation="xxx.xsd"/>

I've had a look at the W3C specs and there is a requirement that these
locations are relative so that means the included files all need to be in the
same location. With the files split between [1] and [2] there are numerous
references that can't be resolved.

I see two approaches to solving this:

a) Move files from [2] to [1]
b) Duplicate files between [1] and [2]

Option a)
Pros: Only a single copy of the files will exist
Cons: The taglib files are not required by the Servlet API (the JSP
      ones are)

Option b)
Pros: servlet-api JAR won't contain unnecessary tablib files
Cons: Duplication of a most of the files between the JARs

On balance I think I prefer option a). I'd rather have 4 files in the
servlet-api JAR that are only required when processing JSPs than duplicate
nearly all of the files in the jsp-api JAR especially given that the
jsp-api.jar depends on the servlet-api.jar anyway.

In Tomcat 7 folks might be using these JARs from there current locations so I
intend to fix this using option a) for Tomcat 8 only.

The issue with the schema resolver belong in a new Bugzilla issue (or possibly
issues - I haven't looked too hard at whether there is a single issue there or
multiple issues).


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