On Sep 22, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Jeremy Boynes <jboy...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Sep 22, 2013, at 1:44 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 22/09/2013 00:27, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
>>> As a concrete example of how this impacts the behaviour, consider the case 
>>> where the application includes its own JSP engine. With the RI's delegation 
>>> model, the application's engine's SCI would execute first allowing it to 
>>> register a Servlet and mapping to handle the "*.jsp" pattern. When the 
>>> container's engine's SCI was executed, that mapping would already be bound 
>>> and could not be pre-empted (engines already need to allow for that in case 
>>> the application configured that mapping in its web.xml). If the container 
>>> is always given priority, then the container's engine would be used rather 
>>> than the one the application intended.
>> No. It would still be loaded from the application (for that webapp).
> For two versions of the *same* implementation, yes. But if they used 
> *different* implementations of the *same functionality,* the container's 
> would always get precedence. For example, if an application included Tyrus's 
> WebSocket implementation it would always be invoked after Tomcat's. Or for 
> JAX-RS, if the container was configured with CXF and the application included 
> Jersey, Jersey would not be able to register its Servlets for the REST 
> endpoints as CXF would have already mapped them.
> The issue here is that programmatic registrations cannot modify the existing 
> configuration. Once a framework has registered a servlet, filter, listener or 
> mapping it cannot be replaced by another. Frameworks that applications bundle 
> in WEB-INF/lib need to have a chance to perform their initialization before 
> an equivalent but different implementation provided by the container.

Patch to avoid this by following classloader delegation order … 

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Description: Binary data

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