--- Comment #2 from Justin Cranford <> ---
I manually added these two overrides in Tomcat 7 to make is
easy to diagnose and fix slow start performance. Consider adding these to the
defaults, or even just add them as commented out. I think they would benefit a
wider audience.

*** conf/ ***
   org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner.level = FINE
   org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.level = INFO

Regarding, these are the filters I had to add for my
specific application. Note that some of them should have been filtered by
Tomcat 7 default filters tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip. The
first 4 should definitely be fixed in the default filters of Tomcat 7, and the
rest you can consider on a case-by-case basis:

Various JARs
- jdom.jar (Default filter "jdom-*jar" missed this jar name)
- commons-discovery*.jar (Missing Apache Commons jar filter)
- commons-net*.jar (Missing Apache Commons jar filter)
- commons-el*.jar (Missing Apache Commons jar filter)
- quartz*.jar
- el-ri.jar
- kxml2.jar
- jsch-*.jar
- iText-*.jar
- jasperreports-*.jar
- httpcore-4.1.jar
- protomatter-*.jar
- stax-api-*.jar
- xpp3_min-*.jar
- xstream-*.jar
- openspml2-toolkit.jar
- vijava*.jar
- jt400.jar
- jsf-api-*.jar

Various JDBC JARs
- mysql-connector-*.jar
- ojdbc*.jar
- jtds*.jar
- h2-*.jar
- ha-jdbc-*.jar
- sqljdbc4.jar
- db2jcc4.jar

Various Application Clustering JARs
- jgroups-*.jar
- hazelcast-*.jar

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