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The "Specifications" page has been changed by KonstantinKolinko:

Add links to new HTTP/1.1 specifications

  || HTTP 0.9 || [[|The 
Original HTTP as defined in 1991]] at||
  || HTTP/1.0 || [[|RFC 1945]] ||
- || HTTP/1.1 || [[|RFC 2616]] ||
+ || HTTP/1.1 || [[|RFC 2068]] (January 1997) 
- obsolete, replaced by 2616<<BR>>[[|RFC 
2616]] (June 1999) - obsolete, replaced by 
7230...7235<<BR>>[[|RFC 7230]] (June 2014) - 
Message Syntax and Routing<<BR>>[[|RFC 7231]] 
(June 2014) - Semantics and 
Content<<BR>>[[|RFC 7232]] (June 2014) - 
Conditional Requests<<BR>>[[|RFC 7233]] (June 
2014) - Range Requests<<BR>>[[|RFC 7234]] 
(June 2014) - Caching<<BR>>[[|RFC 7235]] 
(June 2014) - Authentication ||
  === Related Specifications ===
- || [[|RFC 2617]] || "HTTP Authentication: 
Basic and Digest Access Authentication"<<BR>>Covers BASIC and DIGEST 
authentication methods ||
+ || [[|RFC 2617]] || "HTTP Authentication: 
Basic and Digest Access Authentication"<<BR>>It covers BASIC and DIGEST 
authentication methods<<BR>>It was updated by 
[[|RFC 7235]]. ||
  == AJP ==

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