--- Comment #2 from Mel Martinez <> ---
Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for your quick response on this topic.

I will try to find the time to throw together a pair of sample web apps that
will reproduce the problem (I cannot provide our actual project code).  That
may not happen for a day or two.

I am not expecting support at all and I would hope that would be clear from the
details I have provided. I have a workaround for the problem already as
indicated in my report.  I am posting this bug report so that the Tomcat
committers are aware that they have a very serious bug in the class loader

The use of a ThreadLocal by the Spring code is not the issue.  The ThreadLocal
is being properly cleared at the termination of each request during the
execution of the finally clause in the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.  This
is a class loader isolation issue.

The issue is that

a) the SecurityContextHolder class has a static reference to a 'strategy'
b) When a request goes to war1 the SecurityContext class is loaded from war1,
initialized and the strategy object is created out of the classes in war1.
c) When a request next goes to war2, the SecurityContext class for war2 is
loaded from the war2 (correctly) but it's static field STILL points to the
strategy object created in (b), from war1!
d) Because the strategy object was loaded from war1, when it's
"createEmptyContext()" method is called, it creates a SecurityContextImpl
instance using the class for that from war1.
e) Finally, this will "fail" when you attempt to use this object within war2
because assigning it to a reference of type SecurityContext will throw a

It will throw the ClassCastException because the object implements the
SecurityContext interface from war1, not war2.

The core problem is in step "c" :  Why is the static field for the
SecurityContextHolder class in war2 pointing to the strategy object from war1?

A static field should belong to a class.  The SecurityContextHolder class in
each war are, as we both agree, supposed to be separate classes.  So they are
supposed to have completely separate static fields.

Thanks again for your attention to this.

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