On 09/10/2014 23:47, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> 2014-10-09 20:10 GMT+04:00  <ma...@apache.org>:
>> Author: markt
>> Date: Thu Oct  9 16:10:57 2014
>> New Revision: 1630526
>> URL: http://svn.apache.org/r1630526
>> Log:
>> Sign the uninstaller as well as the installer
>> Modified:
>>     tomcat/trunk/build.xml
>>     tomcat/trunk/res/tomcat.nsi
>>     tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/changelog.xml
>> Modified: tomcat/trunk/build.xml
>> URL: 
>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tomcat/trunk/build.xml?rev=1630526&r1=1630525&r2=1630526&view=diff
>> ==============================================================================
>> --- tomcat/trunk/build.xml (original)
>> +++ tomcat/trunk/build.xml Thu Oct  9 16:10:57 2014
> 1. It shall be possible to build an (unsigned) installer when code
> signing tool is not available.
> Maybe it already works - I have not tested.

I'm pretty sure it will fail.


> 2. This solutions runs
>   Ant -> makensis -> (makensis /DINNER); (ant ant -f ..\..\build.xml
> sign-windows-uninstaller).
> I think it can be unwrapped by explicitly calling makensis twice from
> Ant with the same nsi file but different /D defines.

I think that will help with running this without signing.

>> @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
>>    <property file="${user.home}/build.properties"/>
>>    <property file="build.properties"/>
>>    <property file="build.properties.default"/>
>> +  <property environment="env"/>
> 3. Why are you relying on shell environment variables?  There is java
> property that provides location of temporary directory.

I was trying to avoid the unlikely issue of someone starting any with a
different temp directory.

> 4. Can the uninstaller be written to our own directory instead of the
> system one?
> Its name is not unique. It will break if two builds are running in
> parallel. (In an unlikely worst case you may end with signing someone
> else's file).

Fixing this fixes 3 as well. I took a quick look but couldn't get it to
work. I'll take a longer look.

> 5. Is the uninstaller file removed after the build? Is the
> tempinstaller file removed after the build?

No (couldn't get this to work). Not sure.

I'll revisit this too.

> 5. As I know, running the real installer triggers UAC (privileges
> raise) prompt when it is run on Windows 7.
> Does such UAC prompt happen with this tempinstaller as well?

I run with UAC disabled in my dev environment so I don't know. That
could get messy. I'll take a look.

> 6. It looks that the above assumes where build output directory is.
> This is broken if  tomcat.output property is redefined in
> build.properties file. (I usually redefine it to move "output"
> directory outside of source tree to hide it from IDE and Subversion).
> If issue "1." is solved (skipping this step unless it is an official
> release), then I do not mind for this breakage, as I do not expect the
> "output" directory be moved when building official releases.
> I wonder if the path could be calculated relative to the nsi file.

Fixing 2 might help with this as well.

> 7. I wonder whether there is a better way to call Apache Ant.  E.g.
> %ANT_HOME%\bin\ant
> The prerequisite to have Ant in %PATH% is not documented in BUILDING.txt
> (I have it in %PATH% in that shell that is building Tomcat, so calling
> it just as "ant" does not breaks things for me.
> On unixes the "ant" script evaluates ANT_HOME if it is not set, but
> does not export it. The value is passed to Ant as
> -Dant.home=\"$ANT_HOME\". )
> A better solution would be to just call makensis twice from within Ant
> build file,  as I outlined in "2." above.


> 8. We already have "SetCompressor" directive a few lines later in the
> file, along with "CRCCheck on". I see no real need to duplicate it.
> As there is no "/FINAL" option in the above directive, I guess the
> later duplicate overwrites it.
> For reference:
> http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Reference/SetCompressor
> In the sample code the first occurrence of that directive was "SetCompress 
> off"
> http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Signing_an_Uninstaller

I wanted to enable compression in all cases. I was more concerned about
size than speed. Not sure how much impact it has on the uninstaller
though. Possibly none. I'll investigate.


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