--- Comment #5 from reibitto <> ---
I'm seeing similar issues with version 8.0.17 as well. Downgrading back to
8.0.15 made the problems go away for me, so it seems like something introduced
between these versions is causing this.

So far I've only noticed this problem with JSP files. Static content seems
unaffected. Also, I'm seeing this happen through both HTTP and HTTPS.

When the response is being truncated, the resulting size is always multiples of
8192 bytes. But this seems to only happen only if the resulting size is
anything greater than 16KB. Examples of what I'm seeing:

Expected size / Actual response size
anything less than 16 KB -> the response is fine
17 KB -> 8 KB
25 KB -> 16 KB
39 KB -> 24 KB
44 KB -> 32 KB
50 KB -> 40 KB

So it seems like the last remaining block (or 2?) isn't being written out...
assuming the buffer size is 8 KB. And yes, when I call out.flush(), this
problem goes away for me too.

Here's some information about my environment:
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)
OS X Yosemite 10.10.1

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