--- Comment #2 from Francisco A. Lozano <> ---
I can see the "EOF" error is duplicate of 57173, but - is the deployment speed
also? To me it looks like there is a speed-related regression between 8 and 7.

I have an app which is webapp-3.0, with metadata-complete=true and an empty
absolute-ordering element. The WAR is around 80MB.

I am getting:
 - Tomcat 7.0.57, unpackWARs=false: deploys in 30-50 seconds.
 - Tomcat 8.0.17, unpackWARs=false: deploys in 350 seconds.
 - Tomcat 8.0.17, unpackWARs=true: deploys in 30-50 seconds.

Can you please consider reopening?

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