--- Comment #14 from Wolfgang Imig <> ---
"... I'd be interested in hearing if there are any other use cases..."

Here is my use case for unpackWARs="false":
Our software product installs for each repository the same set of web
applications. If the customer wants to update an application, she usually wants
to have it updated for all repositories. To make the update process as simple
as possible, the WARs are not stored at Tomcat/webapps but in a directory
outside of tomcat. Each WAR is placed there only once. Context container files
in Tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost represent the required web applications and
link in their "docBase" attribute to the WAR.

With unpackWARs="false", the startup time in Tomcat 8 is unacceptably slow,
usually several minutes. Setting unpackWARs="true" results in an acceptable
performance, but it has the downside that Tomcat does not recognize if the WAR
was updated and always starts the exploded WAR. 

In our case, WARs are only updated when Tomcat is stopped. I think your
suggestion about comparing the last modified times is a reasonable solution
(timestamp of WAR compared to timestamp of a file that is created during

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