--- Comment #4 from Konstantin Kolinko <> ---
(In reply to yangkun from comment #3)

Your diagnosis is wrong. We are not talking about request here. It is response
(the status line of a HTTP response) that does not fit the buffer used by
status line and HTTP headers.

Generally, AbstractOutputBuffer.write(..) methods do perform a length check,
but numerous  headerBuffer[pos++] = (COLON|SP|CR|LF)  do not.

A simple fix may be to change AOB.checkLengthBeforeWrite(int length) method to
assume that the usable buffer length is less by 4 bytes. There are no more than
4 bytes added directly to the buffer after the write.

(4 = 2 bytes for CR-LF + 2 bytes for CR-LF added by AOB.endHeaders())

The result will be that the checkLengthBeforeWrite() method will throw a
org.apache.coyote.http11.HeadersTooLargeException  (a subclass of an
IllegalStateException), essentially resulting in the same server-side error.

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